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Aurie Gonsman | Scheduling: 207-951-6481

Tamara Lykoi | Animal Scientist: 917-226-4732

Heather Fox | Behavior: 407-409-0903

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Welcome to your Pet Profile Page!
The buttons below link to the training material you went over during your session. After each session, new buttons will be activated and
a new homework link will be made available under the, "Shared Files," button above. Make sure to record your daily homework sessions and upload the videos through the, "Upload Videos," button above.

Connecting with Dogs
Creating a Language
Complex Language
Building Boundaries
Creating Systems
Moving Forward

Woof Wednesdays!

Woof Wednesdays!

Woof Wednesdays!
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Woof Wednesday_Episode 1: "Guide-Pair-Ask"

Woof Wednesday_Episode 1: "Guide-Pair-Ask"

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Woof Wednesday_Episode 2 "Training a Distracted Dog"

Woof Wednesday_Episode 2 "Training a Distracted Dog"

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Woof Wednesday_Episode 3: "Walking a Reactive Dog"

Woof Wednesday_Episode 3: "Walking a Reactive Dog"

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