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Our Story

Connecting Animals and Humans through Science and Technology


Building a relationship based on 

Affection - Respect - Trust


Using science of both classical and operant conditioning without using pain or fear while using technology to connect pet parents into more caring and supportive communities.


We bring animal behavior and training to your life instead of taking you out of your life for training.





Heather Fox is an animal behaviorist through the University of Florida, a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant through IAABC, and a Certified Separation Anxiety Trainer (CSAT). She specializes in separation anxiety, potty training and virtual training. She created the Techpaw Program over 15years of experience which consists of:

1. Creating a language

2. Building Boundaries

3. Creating Systems

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Tamara Lykoi is an Animal Scientist and Professional Dog Trainer specializing in training both cats and dogs. She offers in-home training, as well as outdoor socialization. She specializes in reactivity and training dogs through the teenage phase (6-8 months).

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